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By: - at May 2, 2013

Top 20 Alternative Uses for Reused Dryer Sheets

Like many people, I use dryer sheets to eliminate static and give my laundry a fresh scent.  When they had served their purpose, I simply tossed them into the trash unaware they could be reused.  I saw a commercial on TV for a book that mentioned using old dryer sheets for cleaning around the house.  With my curiosity piqued, I did some research and discovered that old dryer sheets can be used in a number of creative ways, as explained below with my top 20.

20.  Use as an alternative for paper towels - You can pick up powders and other small debris easily with dryer sheets, you will be amazed! Use dryer sheets as paper towels
19.  New Swiffer sheet - Stop buying expensive Swiffer sheets and use an old dryer sheet instead.  They function in the same manner and will save you money every month. Swiffer Dryer Sheet
18.  Clean windows & showers - Use dryer sheets to clean windows and shower doors.  Dryer sheets effectively remove tough soap scum and can drastically reduce your cleaning time.  Just add a few drops of water to moisten the sheet. cleaning windows
17.  When sewing, run a dryer sheet over your thread.  The thread will go through the eye of the needle much more easily and will not tangle while sewing. sewing dryer sheet
16.  Clean pots and pans - Soak pots and pans in water with a dryer sheet for an hour to remove stuck on food. cleaning pots and pans with dryer sheet
15.  Heating vent filters - Place dryer sheets inside your heating vents to freshen the air in your home every day.  Dryer sheets allow air to flow through the vent but catch any dirt or debris blowing through your duct work.  Check the dryer sheets weekly and change when they appear discolored or dirty. heating vent
14.  Remove nail polish with dryer sheets and nail polish remover.  Much less expensive than cotton balls or paper towels, dryer sheets can easily remove your old nail polish. remove nail polish
13.  Repel mice (and other rodents).  Mice do not like the scent of dryer sheets.  Simply place a few dryer sheets into the hole the mice use and they will no longer enter your home. repelling mice with dyer sheets
12.  Put in your vacuum cleaner - To keep the air in your home smelling fresh when you clean, place a dryer sheet in the bag or dirt canister of your vacuum.  When finished vacuuming, simply toss the dryer sheet out with the dirt. Vacuum with dryer sheets
11.  Freshen clothes, shoes, etc.  Used dryer sheets still contain scent after they have been used.  You can place them in drawers, closets, or anywhere that needs a bit of freshening. dryer sheets and shoes
10.  Polish chrome - Use them to polish chrome.  Dryer sheets beautifully polish chrome to a high shine and are gentle enough to be used on fixtures, cars and even motorcycles. polish chrome with dryer sheets
9.  Clean paint brushes - Put your used paint brushes in hot water along with a dryer sheet and watch the paint come off magically before your eyes. clean paint brush with dryer sheets
8.  Keep your car smelling better - Put some dryer sheets underneath the seats in your car to dramatically make your car smelling much better. improve car smell with dryer sheets
7.  Remove dead bugs from your windshield, paint or bumper.  Simply wet the surface of your car to be cleaned and wipe away the bug remains.  Used dryer sheets are abrasive enough to remove the bugs but gentle enough to not damage glass or paint. Remove dead bugs from your windshield, paint or bumper with dryer sheets
6.  Eliminate Static hair - Tame dry hair that is full of static by smoothing your hair with a dryer sheet.  You can also remove other static items, such as static on clothes or blankets. elminate static hair with dryer sheets
5.  Keep your bathroom smelling good -  You can put a dryer sheet in your toilet paper roll.  Every time you use the toilet paper a smell of fresh scent will be released into the bathroom. Dryer sheets in toilet paper roll
4.  Remove pet hair from your clothes with dryer sheets.  It is cheaper than buying lint rollers and creates less waste.  Works great for removing pet hair on furniture too.

NOTE:  Please do not use dryer sheets on near your cat or dog, as they could be allergic to the chemicals that are on it.  Also, do not let your pets chew or even eat fabric softeners as it has been a high cause of death for them, due to kidney failure caused by the chemicals in dryer sheets.

Removing pet hair on clothes with dryer sheets
3.  Dusting - Dust your furniture and blinds with used dryer sheets.  No dusting solution needed.  This not only saves time but money as well and eliminates harmful chemicals from polishes which become airborne. Dusting with dryer sheets
2.  Clean computer screens - Use them to clean television and computer screens.  They effectively remove dust and dirt and will not damage the screen.  Once the screen has been cleaned with the dryer sheet, it will naturally repel dust due to the anti-static properties of the dryer sheet. cleaning computer screen with dryer sheet
1.  Repel bugs away!  Forget the spray bottles and all their chemicals, use dryer sheets instead.  You can put some underneath your seat, in your pockets, or tucked in your belt.  This will discourage bugs (such as bees and mosquitoes) to not go near you.  You can even put dryer sheets in trash cans to repel fleas, fruit flies, and bees away from them.

Caution:  I would not rub the sheets on your skin, as it could cause irritation.  Do this at your own risk!

repel mosquitos

As listed above, there are many fantastic uses for old dryer sheets and re-using them can save you a lot of money on household cleaning products.  Best of all re-purposing dryer sheets is good for the environment and creates less waste by replacing paper towels and sponges for cleaning many surfaces.





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