Style - Skin Care
By: - at July 11, 2013

Creating Your Own Natural Perfume And Body Spray

Natural homemade perfumesToday I am going to be sharing with you how to make your own natural perfume. This is going to give you a general idea of how to do it and how to get the inspiration to get started.

Let's talk about the materials that you are going to need. Obviously, there is lot of things that you can purchase out there when it comes to making your own perfumes, but first I am going to share the three things that I think are the absolute essentials when it comes to making your own perform.

Important Ingredients:

Essential Oil
So the first thing you are going to need is essential oil. Essential oils are basically the natural version of synthetic fragrances that you can also purchase to make your own perfumes. But we want to go the safe, organic and natural way, so we will need to use essential oil. There is a large variety of essential oils on the market or at your local health food shop.

atomizer bottle perfume bottleYou can go as simple or as elegant as you like. Basically you need a regular spray atomization bottle which can be used for alcohol based perfume, and a roller based bottle which is for oil based perfume.  You can find these for purchase on

The last essential ingredient you will need is the base. There are a couple of different ways you can form a perfume. You could have an alcohol based perfume or an oil based perfume and there are even some perfume bombs. For example jojoba oil can be used as a base for oil based perfumes. For alcohol based perfume both organic grape seed alcohol and vodka are really good ways to go.

Helpful Tools
A few helpful tools are things such as a regular dropper which is readily available online.  You can get a bunch of these for really cheap. Most essential oils come with a dropper but regular droppers help to control how much is required as the speed of essential oil coming out of the bottle depends upon its consistency and thickness. Also the ratio and portion of ingredients are crucial in perfume making. This is definitely something to consider.

plastic dropper bottlesNext thing you will need are small 10ml glass or plastic bottles. These are good for experimentation. These small bottles are good to use before you package your perfume and if you are not sure you are going to be happy with it. You can also purchase these bottles from Amazon.

Other useful things to have are labels - getting little sticky labels is really helpful for labeling droppers and perfume bottles.

Tips for creating perfume – Notes
I am going to talk about some tips for creating perfumes because once you have all the necessary materials together, you can learn to experiment with various oils and bases. It is very useful to know, for beginners, that you will have to experiment with the oils to get the scent you are looking for. Essential oils are categorized into a note and there are three different kinds of notes: top notes, middle notes and base notes.

Top Note
The top note tends to be the aroma or scent that you smell first when you put your perfume on.  It’s the one that springs to the top first.  It's the loudest one but it also evaporates and dies out the fastest.

Middle Note
I like to call the middle note the heart of the perfume.  I really feel that it is what gives a perfume its dimension.  I think it's really important to have a strong middle note.

perfume ingerdients homemade naturalBase Note
The base note is basically the grand finale of a perfume. It's going to be a lasting smell that you smell until the perfume completely evaporates from your skin.

So having a good combination of all three of these notes will give a lot of depth and character to a perfume. Although you do not have to have a perfume with all the notes, you can play around with a variety of notes making really nice smells tailor made to your desire.

Now this next step is about the ratio; basically how do you do it? How much essential oil do you use in proportion to your base?

It's actually very simple. You do not want to use more than fifteen to thirty percent of essential oil and the rest needs to be either alcohol oil or your bomb base. You want to dilute the essential oil, otherwise they tend to be really overpowering. Also it really helps to blend everything together. I personally like about twenty to twenty five percent essential oil in my mixtures.

Patience is a virtue
The last thing you need to know is that good things take time and this is one of those things. The hardest thing about making perfumes is that when you make your creation it is best to wait a month before you actually use it. The reason for this is because the perfume will change so much in character from the date you make it to thirty days later - it is really amazing how much of a difference time makes. The chemical structure changes within a month when all the oils and bases mix together, and the mixture becomes one.

The best thing to do is label the bottle with a date when it was made and leave it in a cool dark place.

Body Spray Recipe:

body spray homemade naturalIngredients

  • 100 ml Organic Witch Hazel
  • Neroli/Petitgrain oil Co-distilled
  • Geranium essential oil
  • Spray atomizer bottle
  • Funnel

Preparing The Body Spray
Now I will discuss with you how to make a body spray. This is such a simple thing to do, a really easy recipe and it is incredibly good for your skin. Let’s go ahead and get started.

The first thing you are going to need is organic Witch Hazel. It is a plant hydrosol and the good thing about this hydrosol is that it still has some of the essential oils from the distillation process which are contained in the water although in very low concentrations. But you need to note that any essential oil mixed with water does not work because of the alcohol content.

The second ingredient is Neroli or Petitgrain oil. This oil is produced from bitter orange tree. Neroli is a blossom of the tree. Neroli oil is extracted immediately after picking to avoid any decay. While Petitgrain is the oil extracted from leaves and twigs of citrus tree, the oil has a calming, uplifting and centering effect. Also on the skin it helps to improve tone, texture and clarity.

geranium essential oilThe third ingredient is Geranium essential oil. Geranium oil has a rose-like scent. It has many benefits such as a stress reliever, relaxant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hormone balancing, insomnia and an effective insect repellent.

First add 100 ml of organic witch hazel to your atomizer bottle with the help of a funnel. So there are around two thousands drops of witch hazel in the bottle. We want the amount of essential oil to be between five to ten percent. So we will add one hundred drops of both essential oils to the witch hazel liquid. As this is a body spray I would not recommend more than five to ten percent of essential oil.

It will be fifty drops of neroli/petitgrain oil and fifty drops of geranium oil added to the witch hazel. Add both oils to the bottle with the help of a funnel. Now close the bottle and give it a good shake, now it is ready for you to enjoy.

Here we have it, our homemade natural body sprays from alcohol. You can make hundreds of recipes using essential oils for your perfumes and body sprays at home that are free from any chemicals. Best part about doing this on your own is that you save money and you will know exactly what is going into you mixtures. No guessing about ingredients as far as if they are good or bad for the body. If organic/natural remedies have one thing that sets them apart from synthesized products, it's that nothing in the organic/natural recipes can harm you and the ingredients came from the earth, not from some lab.





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